Terms and Conditions
Today is a good day so no big Terms and Conditions, just be a good citizen of UAE. Khalas!!!
- Selling/buying animals is categorically prohibited on Second Hand Dubai.
- Reselling unauthorized items is prohibited. It is illegal to resell vouchers, sim cards, etc. Please refrain from selling items if the UAE law prohibits reselling them.
- No political/religious statements allowed.
- Foul language, insults or libel will not be tolerated. Please keep the posts/comments respectful to all.
- No adverts allowed so any post that promotes pages,brands,products, etc. will be deleted to make room for second-hand items.
- Duplicate ads will be deleted. Please do not spam the site. You can always go back to your initial ad & type a comment under it to have it bumped to the top of the site
Thank you & happy buying/selling!
(C) Second Hand Dubai